Simran Jaiswal
So how do emotions affect your branding? Can your brand connect with clients on an emotional level? Can small businesses find success in emotional branding?

How To Connect With People Instead of Selling To Them

Customers define themselves through brands they use. The branded clothes they wear, the cars they drive, the drinks they consume, university they attended, favourite spots to hang out, and so on. We certainly have covered branding topics a few times on this blog, like brand colour to the basics of what branding is. But there’s a new sheriff in the town of branding, and it’s worth understanding. Well, those days are gone where people were loyal to a brand because they always bought it. Strategy on longevity and loyalty can only be constructed only by certain companies. This generation of social media influencers and celebrity endorsements, people are connecting with brands differently than the past. The new way of branding is tricky one, but may be more sustainable than the tactics of the past. Say hello to “emotional branding. 

EMOTION an integral part of business, whether you realise it or not. Think about the clients you’ve worked with in the past, especially the ones you love working with, you probably have had connect on an emotional level. 

Most of us make decisions emotionally first and then our brain comes up with a logical reason to justify those emotional decisions is also shown by the research. So it makes sense that connecting emotionally with your potential clients is one of the most important aspects of building a thriving business. 

Emotional branding is one of the cornerstones of my brand design experiences at SGJ. My entire purpose has been honed over the past few months to target clients and customer’s emotion so that the branding & web design can be effective, not only beautiful.

Branding is much more than a logo. A lot of it is subconscious design that you don’t even realise when you look at a brand. But it connects with you on a certain deeper emotional level. And that’s what I want to chat about today. 


Today will dive into some of the core pillars of emotional branding and how you can translate that into your business so that you can brand your business in a way that’s not only beautiful but is strategic and meaningful as well.

I use a process called External, Internal, Emotional Problems for digging into these intrinsic drives. This is a process I learned into even more deeply in a course Designed to Connect, but I’ll the idea with you here.

This exercise helps get to the core of what your Soul-Aligned Client wants and how you can connect with them. You’ll identify their external problem, internal problem, and emotional problem as it relates to what you sell. Can small businesses find success in emotional branding? Absolutely! The same aspects apply to whatever sized company you run. 

The external problem is, what your potential client needs, the actual product or service.
The internal problem is the core desire that is motivating her purchase.
The emotional problem, explains the core emotions she wants or currently has related to her purchase. 

When getting started.

1. Determining an emotional state that your product/company can appeal to.

Before any branding can be established, you need to determine what emotion you want to connect with. It doesn’t have to be the charitable route of TOMS. Coca-Cola isn’t a stranger to charity campaigns, but their bigger emotional branding revolves around sharing good times with your community. Think of their summer campaigns with names on their bottles and cans. That whole marketing effort revolves around bringing people together with their product. And that emotional branding raises them above their competitors. There’s not a formula for determining your emotional branding position. It’s for you to decide, but it’s necessary to establish before moving on the next step.

2. Implementing the emotional positioning into your brand strategy.

If you’re the only one that knows your emotional branding position, it will do no good. It needs to be apparent in your branding strategy. From the words on your website to your graphics to your customer service, it needs to be consistent. Planning how to incorporate emotion into your brand strategy is vital to it helping your company.

3. Converting your audience from emotional sympathizers to loyal consumers.

All companies still need to sell. If you look through Hippeas Instagram, you’ll still see some selling sprinkled throughout. But the reason it doesn’t feel fake or forced is that they balance the selling with the emotional positioning. Look at this caption.

Emotional branding is the new approach, but as social media becomes more prevalent and consumers increase in their desire to connect to companies, it has become the more successful approach. Understanding how it works can help your business better reach your consumers and establish a stronger relationship with them. 

In that course, I dive deep and share my EXACT blueprint process for creating a brand that connects emotionally with your potential clients. The result? You’ll have a brand that books high-value, dreamy clients all that time. And a thriving business so you can do more of what you love.